Nitrous oxide (N2O), colloquially known as laughing gas, is an important long-lived greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2). Furthermore, N2O is chemically inert; only a handful of nitrous oxide reactions are known, mostly occurring under harsh conditions and at highly elevated temperatures. N2O is kinetically very stable on its own, and it is a poor ligand, forming less than a dozen well-studied complexes with transition metals. However, looking at N2O as an organic synthon, it holds tremendous potential. N2O contains a strong nitrogen-to-nitrogen bond, with near triple-bond character, and a relatively weak nitrogen-to-oxygen bond. From a disconnection point of view, N2O is a potential oxidizing agent with a thermodynamic driving force as N2 gas is liberated. Indeed, there are a few literature reports where nitrous oxide is used as an oxidant. Moreover, the use of N2O as a nitrogen source and its full incorporation (N and O) into reaction products is an unexplored, high impacting opportunity. For example, we could imagine utilizing N2O to produce diazo compounds. Additionally, N2O is a 1,3-dipole, making it potentially susceptible to cycloaddition reactions. Overall, N2O is a historically underexplored reagent in synthetic chemistry that holds great untapped potential as a green reagent via a systematic approach to its modes of reactivity. Our research focuses on harnessing this unique molecules via hybrid computational/experimental investigations into N2O reactivity with various nucleophiles and transition metal complexes.