Congratulations Noelle
Nitrous Oxide paper is out!
Congratulations Prakash!
Congratulations Surya!
We published in Molecules!
Happy Diwali!
Placement of Dr. Bidhan Ghosh
We published in Org. Lett.
Preliminary Exams!
Congratulations Umesh!
Dr. Sharma’s Talk
Congratulations Adam!
SFRF fellowship 2024
DFCAS Winner 2024
Undergraduates are placed!
Sharma Lab takes home the prizes!
Here’s to Ph.D. candidacy!
Get Excited About Skeletal Editing!
New Year New Papers!
Noelle Gonzalez got accepted into The University of Texas - Medical Branch
Our paper on Nitrous Oxide as an N-atom deleting regent is finally published.
Prakash Kafle successfully defended his Literature Colloquium!
Surya Pratap Singh successfully passed the Literature Colloquium!
Congratulations to Surya Pratap Singh and Umesh Chaudhury for publishing their work in the Molecules journal. Keep it up!
Sharma lab celebrated Diwali with the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry! Once again a very happy and prosperous Diwali!
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Bidhan Ghosh has been placed at Syngene International Limited! All the best for your future endeavors.
Congratulations to Dr. Bidhan Ghosh and Dr. Adam Alber for their paper in Organic Letters.
Congratulations Umesh Chaudhury and Upasana Chatterjee for successfully defending their Preliminary Exams!
Umesh Chaudhury secured the NMR internship in our department! Congratulations to you!
Dr. Sharma delivered a talk entitled “Drug Discovery: Public Health or Corporate Wealth.” at the Summer Science Program in Synthetic Chemistry hosted by Southwest Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) on June 27, 2024.
Adam Alber is placed as a tenure track Assistant professor in North West Oklahoma State University
Dr. Indrajeet Sharma was awarded the Summer Faculty Research Fellowship (SFRF) in May 2024.
Prakash Kafle won the DFCAS Research Fellowship in May 2024.
Olivia Rouse is going to attend OU MED.
Adrienne Daróczi will attend Northwestern University as a summer intern in the Karl Scheidt Lab.
Congratulations to Dr. Sharma on being awarded Professor of the Year! An additional congratulations to Surya Pratap Singh, Prakash Kafle, and Deacon Herndon on their teaching awards!
Congratulations to Rishav Mukherjee and Deacon Herndon on passing their general exams and becoming Ph.D. candidates!
Check out our pre-print “Sulfenylnitrene-Mediated Nitrogen-Atom Insertion into Pyrroles, Indoles, and Imidazoles”
See our publications on “Catalytic Orthogonal Glycosylation Enabled by Enynal-Derived Copper Carbenes” and “Iron-carbene initiated O–H Insertion/Aldol Cascade for the Stereoselective Synthesis of Functionalized Tetrahydrofurans”