New Members
December 2022
The Sharma lab would like to invite first year students Rishav Mukherjee and Deacon Herndon to the Sharma lab! You have both made an excellent choice we are excited to see what happens next for you!
Adam Passes His Research Colloquium
December 2022
We want to congratulate Adam Alber for completing his research colloquium entitled “Enynal Derived Copper Carbene-Mediated 1,2-cis Furanosylations.” This is his last requirement before graduating, you’re on the final stretch Adam, you’ve got this!
Surya and Prakash Pass Their Preliminary Exams!
October 2022
Sharma lab second year’s Surya Pratap Singh and Prakash Kafle have both passed their preliminary exams! These two bright stars have taken their first step towards becoming Dr. Surya and Dr. Kafle respectively! Congratulations guys, keep up the hard work, make us proud!
Rotation Time!
August 2022
With a new academic year we see a batch of new faces around the department! It’s rotation season here at OU and the Sharma lab welcomes several new visiting students interested in synthesis! If you have an interest in organic methodology or synthesis, stop on by or send an email and someone will be happy to show you around!
Randy Passes His General Exam!
July 2022
A big round of congratulations to the Sharma lab’s own Randy Welles who has officially become a Ph.D. Candidate upon the successful completion of his General exam. Randy is the 8th Student out of 8 in the Sharma lab to pass his General exam on the first try with flying colors! Great job Randy, you do us all proud!!
Summer Camp Time!!
July 2022
The Sharma lab once again hosts the C.L.I.M.B. program for local High school students. This weeklong chemistry summer camp pairs high schoolers with graduate students to teach them about chemistry and science. Students got the opportunity to synthesize aspirin, tylenol, and more in our lab setting and had a blast doing it!! Check out our outreach page for photos of the events!!
Dr. Anae Bain
May 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Anae Bain who just passed her Ph.D. Defense and earned the title of Doctor of Philosophy!!! Dr. Bain is the 4th Ph.D. to graduate from the Sharma lab, she goes on to work at the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly in July. Good luck Dr. Bain, we’ll miss you!!
There Was Never Any Doubt!!
February 2022
We would like to take a moment to congratulate Anae Bain on winning FIRST PLACE in the 3 Minute Thesis competition. She did excellently, blowing away the judges and beating out the other nine finalists!! Great Job Anae, we always knew you could do it!!
Check out a clip of her speech below!
Finalist Anae Bain
February 2022
We’d all like to give a big round of applause to our very own Anae Bain for making it past the preliminary round of the 3 Minute Thesis competition. She goes on to the final round on Friday (2/18) where she will compete against the other finalists for the opportunity to go on to the regional competition! Good luck Anae, we’re beaming with pride!!
So Many New Students!
January 2022
The last two students rotating in the Sharma lab have finally decided on which lab to join and boy what a lab did they pick! We graciously welcome Surya Pratap Singh and Prakash Kafle to the lab! Welcome guys, we hope our cozy lab will feel like a second home to you both!